Yoga with Mowgli


Mowgli was first introduced to Yoga at dance school, but found his true training with Wildwolf and YogaSara in Bristol, where he completed his teacher training. Here he learnt that yoga isn't just for the body, but for the mind and soul. It's the way you walk through life, how you treat yourself and others.

Mowgli is deeply interested in how the inner world works, how breath and asana affect the nervous system, and how, in turn, we can effectively turn poison into medicine, by working with all 5 senses to have a fully immersive experience.

Mowgli enjoys working one to one but also finds a great sense of fulfilment in leading in community classes.

Check out the events page for classes and, if you are interested in working with Mowgli one to one, drop him an email.

Book a session with me