Thelki Festival

Conscious Queer Gathering

28th of September - 2nd October | Holford Arms

THELKI is a queer festival bringing together members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies to create conscious, compassionate connections in beautiful nature.

A safe and harmonious space in nature for our community to relax, play, dance, sing, connect, heal, create and raise vibrations.

A retreat for some, a party for others, Thelki is about finding connection with yourself, others and all that nature has to offer.

The gathering will focus on wellbeing, connection, and creativity, with a variety of holistic workshops, art and performances, and Dj's.

Allow yourself to drop into the adventure and explore different parts of yourself.

This about finding a safe space to get lost in and letting the journey take you to places you have not visited before.

28th Sept - 2nd Oct | The Holford Arms

Tickets Include:

Workshops and Performances
Three Healthy Meals a Day
Hot Showers and Toilets
Drinking water

Thelki 2022 Gallery

29 Sept - 2nd Oct | The Holford Arms

Tickets Include:

Workshops and Performances
Three Healthy Meals Per Day

Toilets and Hot Showers