Mowgli Myers is on a mission
to help communities find healthy connection, creating safe spaces for people to venture into their vulnerability, own their power and learn different techniques for maintaining health.

More about Mowgli


Incircles was created to support people coming together in community. To be seen and to be heard. Focusing around the circling technique. Circling (also known as InterSubjective Meditation) is an organic, in-the-moment interpersonal process that's equal parts art form, meditation, and group conversation — all designed to allow a visceral experience of connection and understanding of another person's world, celebrating who and where they are right now.

Thelki Festival

Conscious Queer Festival | 30 June - 3 July 2023

THELKI is a sober, queer festival focusing on bringing members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies together to create conscious, compassionate connections in a beautiful, sacred land near the misty isles of Avalon, Glastonbury.

Find out more >>


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